by Studio eXtreme
For those who don't work at NASA and therefore don't need it too accurate, or for just free spirits,...
For those who don't work at NASA and therefore don't need it too accurate, or for just free spirits, enjoying every moment of their life, not letting anything stress them too much... and now also for hobbitish people, who don't want to miss a rightful meal ever again!timeish offers time in a human manner.
It tells the time, like you would.(but just if you would tell time like that, otherwhise it tells time like you would NOT!)
What does it offer?> ambient mode with burn-in protection> card preview in ambient mode> small cards preview> unread cards counter> digital time> date (in the format of your country)> choose seperatedly from 30 predefined colours in the ANDROID WEAR APP [there's a GEAR symbol appearing on the watchface picture - tap it and you're in the config screen!] for - background - "minutes" - hours - digital time / date> also, ON YOUR WATCH, you can change the colour of the background... if you need it quick, but I suppose you won't need that much...
Running on Android Wear 5+ (5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.1.1)
...then there's elevenses, the watchface that will never let you miss a meal again - it offers> Hobbit door as background image (while watch is awake) and black background in ambient mode> displays the time as text (like original 'timeish'), but in a font that looks like Bilbo's handwriting> digital time in simple font for cheaters
elevenses is not configurable... hope you like it anyways :)
timeish speaks BRITISH ENGLISH (I think), so if you're from the US or Canada and would like to have your version implemented then just let me know about the differences and I'll do my best to make the magic happen.
You say: "Why should I buy this for that ridiculously small amount of money if I can get "timeish" for FACER free here ("
That's a legit question, and no one is holding you back - I did that one aswell and it works and you can edit it, blablabla... but STILL, like all FACER and WATCHMAKER watchfaces it just has a much higher battery drain and the ambient/on transition doesn't work as smooth like it does with hard coded watch faces, and blablabla...
Then again, there's a lot of people who just don't care (or notice!) :DPlus: FACER and WATCHMAKER are both really awesome apps (I'm a big fan)!!!
This watchface is designed for and successfully running on a Moto360 and Sony SW3 - even though it should work just as good on any other watch. Please keep that in mind before throwing pure hate at me!
If you bought it and it is not displaying properly on your device then the best you can do is send me a picture with the problem, so I have something to grasp! :)
The watchface is "as is", you get what you see, nothing more, nothing less. Anyways, there are some things on my TODO list and I hope I can manage to implement them some time soon:
+ a colour picker option, so you can choose any colour you want
Used font: (no restrictions, 01.09.2002!)
Explanation of the used permissions:
PROVIDE BACKGROUND -> needed to appear on your watch as a watch face"WAKE LOCK" -> needed for ambient mode to work